Friday, July 02, 2010

Gardens in Thyme - June 2010

Some of our gals volunteered for an herbal outreach project at Crossroads Village, our second year of participation in "Gardens in Thyme".
This year, on Saturday, we were located on the shady front porch of the Eldridge House, and in the front room. We enjoyed a hot, humid, sunnny day full of friendship. (Much better than the thunderstorms on Sunday that kept us home.)

Here is Robin, demonstrating herbal weaving.

Here is a Village worker who portrays "Mrs. Eldridge" from the 1880s, taking a moment to sew after baking lavender and rosemary sugar cookies, and apple crisp on the wood stove. Our bottles and bags of herbs are set up on the dining room table, for educating visitors about growing and using herbs for tea and culinary use.
When visitors came through the house Norma demonstrated making herbal tea bags with coffee filters and cotton string.

Our club president, Ulrike, enjoys watching Pam demonstrate making lavender wands.

Ulrike, past president Norma, and Marion. Marion demonstrated making lavender bottles, a variation on lavender wands.

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